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Apply to Leopets!

To join Leopets you will need to fill in the following form. We can't guarantee that you will be able to join Leopets as we have many requests to join but our server can only handle so many people.
Account Info
The information below will be your account information if your application is accepted.
Note: You MUST enter a correct email address as you will be emailed with the results of your application!
Note: Your date of birth CANNOT be changed! Please triple check to make sure it is right, as if you need to retrieve your password you will be required to enter your DOB.

Application Info

Please answer these questions, so we can learn a bit about you :)
We recommend saving your answers in a file, just in case you need to reapply later.
Talk about yourself: in general, who are you, what are you like?
Have you ever had a Leopets account before? If so, what was your username, and what was your prior experience on Leopets like? If not, how did you find us?
Where else can you be found on the internet? Do you play other petsites? Deviantart? If you feel comfortable doing so, show off how internet cool you are.
Another user is irritating you or has otherwise wronged you, but has not broken any site rules. How do you handle the situation? Keep in mind there is no Block feature.
How would you react if the Leopets Administration Team made a decision that you completely disagreed with?
Anything else to add?

Tick this box if you agree with our Rules and Terms and Conditions.
Please make sure to read these carefully - it only takes a few minutes. You will be held accountable for following the rules!

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