Random Leopet! Random Leopet
Password: It's case sensitive!
About Leopets

Leopets is a private community that is dedicated to the nostalgia of pre-conversion Neopets. Many users enjoy character creation, role-playing, writing, drawing, designing and more. We do not make any profit and are not affiliated with Neopets in any form. The people who run it are not professional and they do not get paid. It is strictly a privately run site that we enjoy which we open up to a limited number of new users to give the chance for other people to enjoy it too. As we are non-profit we have to restrict our user-base due to server space.

We are looking for devs to work on the site!

Want to join us as a dev? Reach out to leopetsphoenix@gmail.com or list your experience on your application. Only looking for experienced devs at this time!

We are under construction
This means that many features are not yet working and you will encounter bugs and other problems. You can help us by suggesting features you'd like to see on our forums.

Forgotten your password?

If you have forgotten your password, please email theleopetsteam@gmail.com using the email that your Leopets account is linked to (the one you signed up with), and one of the admins will get back to you asap. Please do not use this email address for anything other than password retrieval.

Want to join Leo?

Applications are currently closed. They open again on the first day of each month.